Athletics » Track & Field

Track & Field

Like cross country in the fall, track and field is co-ed and open to all 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  Track and field has room for up to 80 athletes and there are no tryouts or cuts.

There are no sign ups for track. The first practice/ info session will be on the blacktop on Wednesday, 3/20/24. Please be sure to remind your students to listen to the daily announcements (on the school intercom) for information about dates, times, and locations for sign ups. 

Once the team is formed and students join specific competitive track events, they are expected to be at practice 3-4x per week, right after school Monday-Thursday from 3-4:30pm.

Stanley's team has approx. 4-5 regular season meets along with 3 championship meets one for 6th grade "A" team, 7th/8th "A" team and 6th/7th/8th "B" team.

Track and field begins in early March and runs through May.  Cost is $125.00.