Community » Homework Policy

Homework Policy


Hello Stanley Families,


At Stanley we are continuing to look at ways to help support students and our Stanley community in managing the many demands on our busy schedules. Beginning in 2023, our Leadership Team and our staff have been working on developing a homework policy that would clarify the purpose, expectations, and roles of homework at Stanley. During this process we looked at the latest research about homework, and what many similar Middle Schools had in place. After much investigation and discussion with teachers, parents and students, we are ready to share our homework policy with the community. Our hope is that this will clarify our shared beliefs about homework, and have a clear message about how we can make homework relevant and meaningful for all. Two of the most important aspects of this policy include:


General expectations regarding volume­ -  this is a very challenging topic with factors like the range of student ability, course load, and balance with extracurricular activities. The time frame suggested is indeed a range of time that students on average may be spending on their work. We always encourage you to contact teachers or school staff if students are finding homework volume to be consistently outside of this range.


Roles and Expectations - ­How Parents, Students and Stanley staff can each help to make sure we are partnering to follow our guiding philosophy about homework and its effectiveness in student learning.


As with any policy we implement, we will collect feedback from all of our stakeholders and work to make this better each year. We want our goals for homework to be clear and effective for everyone in the Stanley community.


Please contact me with any concerns or questions.


Brian Mangold