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Independent Study

Short-Term Independent Study Program 

LAFSD Board Policy 6158 and Administrative Regulation 6158: Independent Study authorizes independent study as an alternative instructional strategy to serve students who will miss school for between four and ten school days and who will complete assignments made by the teacher for this period. If you anticipate that your child will be absent four (4) days or more from school for any reason, families may request an Independent Study Contract. The maximum number of Independent Study days for the academic school year is ten (10) school days. The process begins with making a request with the school office manager at least two weeks in advance of the first day of absence. Once approved, the teacher(s) can prepare and provide educational activities for your child during the absence. This provides a continuing program for your child and avoids a financial loss for the school. The signed contract and completed work must be returned within one day of the student's return to school. Credit and absence excusal is only given when the completed form and all work is returned to the front office.  



As a packet of work can never completely replace the learning that occurs in the classroom, we strongly encourage students and families to limit independent study requests to one per school year. However, if your family's circumstances necessitate more than one independent study contract within the same school year, you are welcome to request more than one, provided you stay within fifteen (15) days for the school year. 


Short-Term Independent Study for Medical Illness/Absences  

A parent/caregiver should request an independent study contract:

  • If your student has a medical illness requiring your student to be absent for four (4) days or more.  They may be eligible for a short-term independent study contract. Please contact the school office manager or district nurse. 


Any student with a temporary, short-term disability that makes attendance in regular school or an alternative education program impossible or inadvisable should reach out to the Student Services Department for Home and Hospital consideration.