Library » Summer Reading Program

Summer Reading Program


Why Read?

Our summer reading program is designed to help our entering 6th, 7th and 8th grade students understand that reading is an enjoyable pastime and that we read for pleasure as well as to acquire information.  It is not a secret that reading skills improve with practice!  Making time in the day or night to read is good for the mind and it is a wonderful way to reduce the noise, stress and stimulation often associated with busy lives in our fast paced world.  It is well known that reading is essential to providing a solid basis for academic achievement. But most of all, reading is fun!


Stanley's Summer Reading Program:
1.  How many books will you read over the summer?  It will be different for everyone.   
2.  The goal is to read a MINIMUM of 4 books.
Your personal reading goal may be higher - that's awesome! Record your reading on this SUMMER READING GOOGLE FORM.
3.  Students can read what they want!
Free choice is an important component of this program. Students are encouraged to read at their appropriate reading level. Not sure?  Talk with your parents to see if a particular book is a good fit for you. Fiction and non-fiction books, graphic novels, ebooks, collections of short stories - are all fine! Read what you like!
4.  Book recommendations?  Of course!  
Check out the Online Summer Reading Recommendation List 2024.  This list is a collection of recently published books along with some student and librarian favorites. The book lists from the previous few years are also posted on this web page.  These were new books that were of high interest for middle school readers.  It is just one helpful resource in choosing fun books to read.  For more reading suggestions, visit the library web page "Pick a Great Book!" 


A celebration will be held for all students who read at least 4 books and submit the Summer Reading Form.  Stay tuned for details! We want to celebrate YOU as a reader!

Happy Summer Reading!

The Stanley Library Website provides general information. While these sites have been reviewed for content, the completeness, timeliness, and availability of linked data are not known. Please use judgment while surfing the Internet.