Welcome to the Stanley Library!
The Stanley Library is open to students daily before school starting at 8:00 a.m., during break and lunch, and after school until 3:45 pm.
Students may come into the library to work on homework, finish projects, print documents, receive Chromebook support, play games or take advantage of a quiet place to read. Throughout the day, classes may schedule time in the library for library lessons, book talks, and book checkouts.
Reading Books
The Stanley Library offers over 10,000 different titles, both fiction and non-fiction in varying print, digital, and audio book formats, with multiple copies for some of our most popular reads. We offer a variety of different reading levels to support our students.
Students are welcome to borrow books for up to three weeks at a time. Books should be checked out at the librarian desk before they leave the library. Borrowed items may be renewed - just ask the librarian to renew an item.
Textbooks are checked out through the library and are assigned to students for the entire school year. Textbooks will be returned during the last week of the school year. Unless otherwise instructed by a teacher, students are expected to keep their textbooks at home during the school year. Copies of the textbooks are available in class and a few extra copies are available in the library for reference.
Students who borrow a textbook from the library during the school day must check it out at the librarian desk before leaving the library.
The library is the hub of Chromebook distribution and maintenance. Every student receives a Chromebook and power adapter at the start of the school year. Students who experience problems with their Chromebook should bring it to the library - there is no need to arrange for repairs yourself!
A black-and-white printer is available for students who do not have access to a printer at home or need to print in an emergency. We encourage students to print at home wherever possible to avoid the usual traffic jams at snack and lunch times.
There are no scanning or photocopying services in the library.

In our Stanley Era where Everyone Belongs!
The Stanley Library Website provides general information. While these sites have been reviewed for content, the completeness, timeliness, and availability of linked data are not known. Please use judgment while surfing the Internet.
8:00am - 3:45pm
Monday - Friday
Break and Lunch
Amy Bouris,
Teacher Librarian
Library Specialist