
Stanley Mathematics Department
Course 1
Course 1 is a rigorous 6th grade mathematics class that covers 100% of the 6th grade California Common Core Standards for Mathematics. Students’ performance throughout Course 1 will be used in determining progression to Course 2 or Course 2/3A in 7th grade. Key areas of focus in Course 1 include:
- Developing an understanding of ratio and rate and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems
- Extending the notion of the number system to include rational numbers
- Writing, interpreting and using numeric and algebraic expressions and equations
- Working with two- and three- dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area and volume
- Developing an understanding of statistical thinking
Course 2
Course 2 is a rigorous 7th grade mathematics class that covers 100% of the 7th grade California Common Core Standards for Mathematics. Students successfully completing Course 2 will progress to Course 3. Key areas of focus in Course 2 include:
- Developing an understanding of and applying proportional relationships
- Developing an understanding of operations with rational numbers
- Working with algebraic expressions and linear equations
- Creating informal geometric constructions
- Working with two- and three- dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area and volume
- Drawing inferences about populations based on data samples.
Course 2/3A
Course 2/3A is a highly accelerated (fast-paced) class in which 100% of the 7th grade California Common Core Standards for Mathematics will be covered in addition to 50% of the 8th grade California Common Core Standards for Mathematics. Students successfully completing Course 2/3A will progress to Course 3B/Algebra1.
Course 3
Course 3 is a rigorous 8th grade mathematics class that covers 100% of the 8th grade California Common Core Standards for Mathematics. Students successfully completing Course 3 will progress to Algebra 1. Key areas of focus in Course 3 include:
- Formulating and reasoning about algebraic expressions and equations
- Modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation
- Solving linear equations and systems of linear equations
- Grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships
- Analyzing two- and three- dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity and congruence (including using transformations of translations, rotations, reflections and dilations)
- Understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem
3B/Algebra 1
Course 3B/Algebra is a highly accelerated (fast-paced) class in which 100% of the High School Algebra Standards will be covered in addition to 50% of the 8th grade California Common Core Standards for Mathematics. Students successfully completing Course 3B/Algebra will progress to Geometry.
California Algebra 1, McDougal Littel.
Psychologists Harold Stevenson and James Stigler found 15 years ago that in countries that produce a lot of math whizzes, parents and teachers believed that math ability is like a muscle you strengthen with good instruction and practice. In the USA, where kids don’t do that well, parents think of math ability as a talent, not a skill. Do this: Check that nightly homework is completed (not on the bus). And watch what you say about your own math aptitude — it matters.
Math Department FacultyPeter Agnost | Course 2, Course 3, Coding |
Micah Franks | Course 1, Course 2 |
Don Davis | Course 1, Course 2, C2 Support |
Michelle Giles | Course 3B/Algebra, C3, C3 Support |
Diana Godfrey | Course 1, Course 2/3A |
Linda Mara | Course 3B/Algebra, Course 3 |
Lilian McGlothlen | Course 2/3A, Course 3, Dept. Chair |
Liz Swerling | Course 1, Math Elective |